You have arrived to my world wide web hideout. My name is Pablo Bleyer Kocik
and my main interests are electronics, computer programming and embedded systems.
Besides that, I am also fond of cognitive sciences, math and music.
Below you will find information about some of my recent personal projects that may have value
to other people besides myself. Feel
free to browse, download and use whatever you wish, provided that you honor the
licenses and copyrights.
If you have any questions don't hesitate to send me an
email (please watch out for
the spam bots avoidance scheme)
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A synthesizable, behavioral and therefore device-independent Verilog
clone of Ken Chapman's PicoBlaze 8-bit microcontroller for Xilinx FPGAs.
A MS Windows distribution for Stephen Williams Icarus Verilog compiler.
A useful collection of links on the topic of Geometric Algebra, as introduced by Hermann Grassmann and expanded by William Kingdon Clifford.